Invitation to events within the framework of the International scientific-practical conference “Food and feed technologies2023”


within the framework of the International scientific-practical conference “Food and feed technologies 2023”

  1. It is necessary to raise the efficiency of the use of alternative sources of water and energy and implement them through state regulation to ensure the security of Ukraine.A Round Table for food industry enterprises is planned to be held in 2023 on the ONTU platform with the aim of informing them more widely about water supply technologies from alternative water sources and their practical application.
  2. Discussion of the Law of Ukraine No. 771/97-BP “On the Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products” dated January 16, 2020 and the development of proposals for improving this Law of Ukraine are planned on the ONTU platform.The Law of Ukraine No. 771/97-BP “On Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products” dated January 16, 2020 lacks basic definitions and labeling rules for “healthy” food products.Urgent resolution of this issue is necessary in Ukraine.
  3. Discussion and development of a national program for the development of the production of food products for special purposes (therapeutic and preventive), in particular for people with food allergies and intolerances.We emphasize the need to develop the segment of Ukrainian-made gluten-free products, which will ensure the availability of vital food for people on a gluten-free diet for medical reasons during the war and post-war period.